
Download the game here!

My Role: Game Designer, Software Engineer, Project Manager
Technologies Used: C#, Unity3D, Futile Library
Download our game design document

Dogfighter is a local multiplayer space combat game programmed in C# using the Unity Engine and the Futile library. Two players compete versus one another, each choosing one of a number of ships. The ships each have two special abilities in addition to shields, health, and energy which powers the abilities they use. A rudimentary physics system was implemented and each ship also has mass, thrust, and a top-speed.

On the Dogfighter project I acted as a Programmer and a Game Designer. I insisted our team use subversion software in order to maintain a reliable version history. Additionally, I came up with the idea to use parameters to extend a base ship class script, rather than creating a ship class script for each individual ship in the game. I also translated between the rest of the team: with three other programmers and two other designers, there were times when one group didn’t understand the terminology the other was using. As a Cognitive Scientist with working programming ability I was able to efficiently take what one group was saying and rephrase it so that the other understood enough to have a working knowledge of the concepts.